Unbiased Reporting

What I post on this Blog does not mean I agree with the articles or disagree. I call it Unbiased Reporting!

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Acceptable Risk-Includes Childrens Deaths in State Custody

Acceptable Risk:

By Leonard Henderson
November 23, 2011

Acceptable Risk

Our good friend Dana Lawhon in Oklahoma says-

A few students are pepper sprayed in the Occupy protest at their College. Now law makers say they need to have an emergency meeting to address the problem about what was done to these students.

Over 50 children die in one state under the watchful eye of DHS/CPS and for some reason the law makers didn’t see any reason for an emergency meeting. I guess they don’t see this as a problem.

Yanno Dana, I think you have stumbled into something. Unlike the medical profession, CPS work certainly has NO motto like "Do no harm". (never mind the fact that the medical profession seems to have forgotten it long ago)
Continual bad news seems to have a numbing effect. Even the most alarming story gets to be "Old Hat" after a while. CPS killing kids hardly makes the news now.

If you are in a government bureaucracy and have the audacity to characterize yourself as a "professional" working in an industry that elevates the mantra "In the Best Interest of the Child" to a high, holy calling- it is pretty easy to see how one's self importance can get a tad bloated.

I grew up on a farm. When I was a kid, we had a chicken house and about 35 laying hens. If you didn't go out and gather the eggs twice a day, 3 things happen-

1- Chickens will eat their own eggs and the eggs of others. So if you intend to USE those eggs, you have to take them away from the hens.

2- If a hen is allowed to keep a nest of eggs, she psychologically goes into "brooding" mode to "hatch her brood". That's the hen's version of "mothering instinct". She sits on the eggs to keep them warm (and protect the eggs from other hens who want to eat them).

3- The eggs of course are RUINED for cooking, baking. After this gets started, the best you can do is raise them up as FRYERS. Or more brood stock to add to your chicken house egg operation.

The parallels here are not lost on me.

The point I was intending to make was-

When you are gathering eggs, every once in a while your fingers crush the egg when you try to pick it up. Often your thumb goes into the egg because it can be quite delicate. Sometimes, the egg is glued to the nest because another egg got broken and the egg materials dried under it. And sometimes, it just slips out of your hand when you are trying to put the egg in the gathering pail.

One of the first lessons you learn is-

"When you gather eggs, you can't help but break a few".


The less you know and understand about chickens and eggs, the more eggs you will break.

Really, it's no big deal because the hens lay more eggs every day. So you have "immunity from prosecution" for breaking eggs.

When you are in the business of "saving kids", killing a few by your own incompetence and malfeasance is an "Acceptable Risk" to be "Managed"?

"If you take on the responsibility to take care of someone - and are paid to take care of someone - the least we can ask is that they come out of it alive." --Judge Deborah Burgin of Rutherfordton, North Carolina

Please click on the AFRA link. Scroll down for the statistics of the children who have died while in the custody of our Government. The numbers are SHOCKING!

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