Unbiased Reporting

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Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly

Isabella Brooke Knightly and Austin Gamez-Knightly
In Memory of my Loving Husband, William F. Knightly Jr. Murdered by ILLEGAL Palliative Care at a Nashua, NH Hospital

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day-A Day to Honor The People We Have Lost, Including Our Stolen Children and Grandchildren

Memorial Day is the day to honor the family member's and soldier's we have lost.

Today and all future Memorial Day's we honor not only deceased family member's and soldier's, but also our children and grandchildren lost to the State. After all, the loss of our stolen children is just as painful as if they have died. Their loss is worse than death. We grieve for them. We worry about them, not knowing where they are or how they're being treated. We live our unhappy lives waiting for their return, hoping they remember the love we shared. Hoping they know we didn't give them away. Hoping they realize they were taken from us unjustly. Hoping they fight to come back to us.

In death, there is closure. There is no closure for the families of stolen children or closure for the stolen children themselves. They live their lives waiting for their families to come and get them and bring them home where they belong.

Memorial Day for these families is a day to grieve, not a day to celebrate. A day to remind our stolen children how much we love them and want them home. A day to remind them we haven't forgotten them and never will. A day to remind them that life does not go on without them. That the pain of losing them doesn't just go away. That just because the state tell's us to go on with our lives without our children, just doesn't happen. Would they be able to go on and live a normal happy life if their children were stolen? I don't think so. Would they be able to write a letter to their stolen children telling them it's okay to move on. To go live with another family chosen by the state. Could they ever say Good-bye to their stolen children, as we were told to do? I don't think so. Nothing could be more inhuman.

So today we need to honor our stolen children and grandchildren as well as our deceased family member's and soldier's. We need our children to know they are alway's in our heart's and will alway's be a part of OUR family. Their REAL family. The family God chose for them, not the family the state chose!
To all our stolen children and grandchildren, We love you with all our heart's and alway's will!
Love unhappygrammy and unhappygrampie

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